We have many clients who are authors and self-publishers, they found us after deep searching online and spent a lot of time to know who we are, what we do, how we work. Many of them are not the first time print and publish their books by their own, but 90% of them used Kickstarter to raise funds the very first time and the point was, they spent more than 60% of their budget just for the books printing, that was a big cut for them. Some of them choosed POD becuase of less investe but it's barely no profit to share and definitely cannot live for long. That was the main reason for them to find a better solution which was more cost effective and under budget, and then find Call2Print. Well, that is another story, we will share that next time.
During the weekend, we made a small research online, the main target is Kickstarter and here is the common result and the reality new authors have to face.

We can understand that as a self-publisher, writer or illustrator, you put all your heart and whole soul into creating a speical book. No matter you have written or drew a children book, a comic book, a graphic novel, autobiography, business book, or self-travelling family book, your book deserves the individual attention and you deserves to Save Every Single Penny, no middleman taken from your pocket. As another little side-effect research at the same time, we find it's interesting that many of the printing companies in China declare we are the printing factory, we are the book manufacturer, we offer low printing price, we use English, etc. You can find hundreds of advertising from the Google but Really? I can tell 50% of them are trading companies or solo, no offence guys, it's ture. 70% of them are commercial printing, not books printing, they have the cross but not professional, books printing need much more finishing support and skilled operators. Service in English, yes, it does but only by emails, really? Can't we talk on the phone or skype when needed? The key point is the book printing price seems not much under the budget if stay with quality materials, no offence again. Because there is always a lower price on the market but for our opinion, printers/brokers should have lower extra 15% for new authors.

Call2Print specializes in hard cover books, children books, board books, comic books, graphic novels, trade journals, cooking books and flip planners. Our capabilities including short run digital printing, high volume offset printing and value added gift box packing for all your books publishing needs. WE PRINT & WE SHIP to your front door, to make the oversea printing as simple as possible, just as your local delivery.
We offer the quality books and 1-stop service at a GREAT unbeatable price for all the authors, we treasure long-term relationships and we fully support self-publishers and indenpendent publishers. Ensure your printing job will be done right the first time. Call2Print, the family owned printing factory will be your partner, your friend, stand beside you or behind you.

Meet friends (Author and Publisher) always be happy
I can be reached by direct email: apollo.xiaobo@gmail.com or direct mobile: +86 13512127905 or social media, my Facebook, my LinkedIn, my WhatsApp, my Skype and my Instagram.
Thanks for your reading and stay safe, God bless you and your family.